Scenario comparison: Perfect Paradise vs. Steam over Europe


Greetings, everyone!

With the exciting release of Perfect Paradise, you might be wondering how this new scenario stacks up against the familiar Steam over Europe experience. While both scenarios share some core mechanics, Perfect Paradise brings fresh twists and unique challenges with its tropical island map and fair competition. 


In this article, we’ll break down the key similarities and differences between the two scenarios, giving you a clear picture of what to expect in this ultimate showdown. Whether you’re a fan of strategic depth or looking for a more balanced game, this comparison will help you decide which scenario best suits your playstyle.


Feature Steam over Europe (SoE) Perfect Paradise (PP)
Map theme Europe Caribbean 
Regions 10 4 (islands)
Ability to connect regions/islands Yes  No
Same industry placement on map No Yes
Number of cities 50 24
Supported city (mayor feature) Yes No
Landmarks Yes No
Mayor Yes Yes
President Yes (per region) Yes (per island)
Cabinet members 10 12
Harbours Yes Yes
Special tracks (connecting regions) Yes No
Ability to transport to/from another region/island? Yes No
Number of goods 48 (regular) 48 (mixed from multiple scenarios)
Goods chains Regular New goods chains
Passengers Yes Yes
Game world 1x speed Yes Yes
Game world 2x speed Yes Yes
Player registration cap N/A Yes (2,000 players per game world)
Career achievement points Normal Doubled (compared to the Destination Africa event scenario)
Endgame rules Top 10 cities become megacities and compete against each other. One region can have more megacities in the endgame. Top city from each island competes against each other. That’s one city per island.


No matter which scenario you choose, both Steam over Europe and Perfect Paradise offer unique challenges and endless excitement. 

Jump in and see which one will test your skills the most! ✨


See you on the tracks,

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