Rails of Wisdom: Exploring the Rail Nation Lobby

Hey there, welcome back to a new episode of Rails of Wisdom!

In the previous episode, we’ve seen the steps needed to create a Rail Nation account.

Once your account is created, managing it is simple and straightforward. The main hub for all your account-related information and actions is the Lobby.

The Lobby acts as your command centre in Rail Nation, where you’ll find all the tools and insights needed to run your railroad empire. Here, you can create new avatars, log into existing game worlds, and manage multiple rail adventures at once. But that’s not all – the Lobby is also where you can track your progress, monitor stats, and check out your achievements.

Account Information in the Mobile App

If you’re playing on the mobile app, you can also easily manage your account by tapping the “Manage Career” button in the login menu. This will open up the Rail Nation Career menu, where you can view your progress, achievements, and more. You can also navigate to other parts of the menu by tapping the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner.

Account Info, Career, Achievements, and Stats

The Lobby is where you can view all your important info. Check your account stats, upgrade your career engine, look back at your history, including past game worlds and achievements you’ve completed.

Game Scenarios and Speed of the Game Worlds

Rail Nation allows you to play on multiple game worlds, with different speed, and various game scenarios. In the Lobby, you’ll see a list of available game worlds, complete with visuals that highlight the specific gameplay experience each one offers. You can select a game world based on your preferences, whether you’re looking for fast-paced action or a more relaxed gameplay style.

By clicking the “Details” button next to any game world, you can learn more about that particular world, including stats and upcoming start dates. This feature helps you stay informed about the Rail Nation universe and plan your next rail empire adventure accordingly.

In the Game worlds menu, and in all its sub-menus, you can keep track of upcoming game world launches and important statistics to plan your next move.

Connecting to the Rail Nation Community: Links and News

The Lobby isn’t just about gameplay, it’s also your link to the Rail Nation community. At the bottom, you’ll find quick access to important sites, our official Discord, blog, and Facebook page. 

These resources are great for staying updated on game news, participating in events, and connecting with other players. Be part of the bigger Rail Nation experience beyond the game.

See you on the tracks! 

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