Discord Summer Rails Adventure

🌞 🚂 Discord Summer Rails Adventure! 🚂🌞


Join us on Discord for the Summer Rails Adventure with thrilling tasks, fantastic rewards and unforgettable fun!

Are you ready to get into the summer groove, have fun and get a head start for the upcoming brand-new in-game Summer Event?

Then grab your sunscreen, pop on your sunglasses, unpack your flip-flops and start your hunt for unique in-game screenshots, share highlights and let your creativity shine. Collaborate with fellow players to unlock amazing community rewards, win individual prizes and compete for grand prizes.

Get ready to win summer goods, Gold, vouchers and more!


Starts Thursday, 25th July, 10:00 UTC+2 (08:00 UTC)

Ends Monday, 12th August, 10:00 UTC+2 (08:00 UTC)


🌟 What is the event about? 🌟

Every day, from Monday to Friday, you will be presented with special tasks on Discord #summer-rails-adventure-2024 that you need to complete.


🎉 Who can win? 🎉

The entire community:

You’ll have to work together and call on all your friends! Only when enough players participate successfully in a task will you be able to unlock community rewards, which can be redeemed by the entire community.

Single players:

We will also be picking random winners in each task to win single rewards.

Overall winners:

Last, but not least, those of you who participated successfully in all or the most tasks will win a grand prize!


🎁 Rewards? 🎁

We have loads of different vouchers ready for you!

Not only will you get the first ever chance to win different summer goods, summer coins and maybe even diamonds, but each reward will additionally include anything from Gold, the Plus Account or vouchers for tracks, boosts, buildings or trains.

Redeeming vouchers:

You will be able to redeem the vouchers on any game world, within the validity applicable to each voucher.

If you win and unlock a reward including summer goods, we suggest you redeem the voucher on a game world that has the summer event active, if you want to be able to use the summer items in the in-game summer event.


🌞 How does it work? 🌞

Unlocking community rewards:

For each task we have set a minimum of successful participations that will unlock a community reward when reached. If you manage to exceed the minimum of successful participations by 50% (example: 75 instead of only 50), you automatically double the community reward for that task!

Winning single rewards:

For each task we have set a specific amount of single rewards, which we will raffle between all the successful participants of that task. You can even win more than once, if fortune is on your side and you get randomly picked more often!

Winning grand rewards:

At the end of the entire event, we will go through all the tasks and successful participations and decide who is worthy of winning a grand reward. All those players who participated successfully in every task throughout the event can win a grand reward. Should nobody manage to participate in every task, all those players who managed to participate in the most tasks can win a grand reward. There is no limit to how many winners there could be.


Event guidelines, information and edge cases:

The following rules apply to all daily events, without them being mentioned in the single event announcements, unless stated otherwise.

  • Important: If you redeem a voucher including summer goods, summer coins or diamonds outside of the in-game Summer Event period, 8th to 16th August 2024, or on a game world that is not hosting the Summer Event, you will get all the other content of the voucher, except for the summer items.
  • List of game worlds hosting the Summer Event: de1 de3 de4 de7 de8 de9 de11 de18 de101 de107 de201 de204 de205 com2 com3 com5 com201 com202 com203 fr1 fr201 fr202 gr1 es2 pt2 ru1 ru5 ru15 ru105 ru204 tr1 it1 it3 it201 ua2 pl1 pl3 pl5 pl11 pl201 ro1 ro2 cz1 cz3 cz7 cz201 us1 us101 us103 m51 m52 m201
  • You may participate in every daily task once and can only win once per task. (If you want to adjust your submission, please edit it before that daily event is over. Do not post a second time.)
  • Multiple submissions will be removed by the Community Manager with a warning. No warning will be given if it happens multiple times.
  • You may gift your single prize voucher code to a different player if you want. Simply give them your voucher code. Be aware that if you share your voucher code with someone else, you will no longer be able to redeem the reward yourself.
  • You may redeem each community reward voucher, regardless of whether you participated in the event or not.
  • You may share each community reward voucher with all your friends.
  • All screenshots, artworks, texts and posts must be your own and created by you.
  • All artworks, texts, quotes and similar might be used by the Rail Nation Team for promotional purposes.
  • The Rail Nation Team reserves the right to disqualify participants or dismiss achieved community goals if we notice any cheating or violation of our event guidelines.



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