Update 2024.2.0

Update 2024.2.0


Greetings, rail tycoons!


This update is all about our upcoming mysterious Orient Express game worlds and eggs-citing event preparations. Here’s a breakdown of the changes:



  • RN-14039 OE: CITY PROJECT: On the upcoming Orient Express game rounds, you can experience an improvement on the map. All factories are now connected to a city by name, to make sure that factories are distributed more equally between all the cities. You will mostly notice this in the city project rewards.
  • RN-14177 Easter 2024: Get ready for the popular egg hunt with new visuals and updated rewards! Easter can’t come fast enough.


Bug fixes

  • RN-13376 OE: Bonus engine: The bonus passenger engine “Orient Express” would sometimes falsely count toward the normal limit of passenger engines. This is no longer the case. This bonus engine is now aware that it is too special to mingle with ordinary passenger engines.
  • RN-18381 Schedule calculator: An issue has been fixed that caused the schedule calculator to display the values double. New batteries were inserted, and the numbers are now correct!
  • RN-18643 Career engine: An issue has been fixed that caused a limit after era 3 to be incorrectly displayed in the train overview of the career engine.


Rollout plan (no downtime): Click to open

20.02.2024 Initial:
Time of the update: 9:45 UTC (10:45 UTC+1)

com201 Big Ben
com203 Tower Bridge
ru5 Коленчатый вал
ru15 Ведущая ось
de11 Dieselpumpe
de107 Broadway

21.02.2024 Country:
Time of the update: 9:45 UTC (10:45 UTC+1)

com2 Firebox
com3 Smoke Chamber
com5 Cylinder Head
com101 Rocky Mountains
com202 Loch Ness
ru1 Паровой котел
ru201 Золотое кольцо
ru204 Зи́мний дворе́ц
de204 Neuschwanstein
ua1 Паровий котел
ua2 Вугільна топка
nl1 Stoomketel
nl201 Euromast

22.02.2024 Global 1
Time of the first update batch: 9:45 UTC (10:45 UTC+1)

de1 Dampfkessel
de3 Rauchkammer
de5 Kurbelwelle
de7 Drehgestell
de8 Kuppelstange
de9 Regulator
de18 Stellwerk
de101 Golden Gate
de105 Grand Canyon
de201 Brandenburger Tor

Time of the second update batch: 10:15 UTC (11:15 UTC+1)

fr1 Chaudière à vapeur
fr101 Golden Gate
fr201 Tour Eiffel
fr202 Arc de Triomphe
it1 Caldaia
it101 Golden Gate
it201 Colosseo
us1 Crankshaft
us101 Golden Gate
cz201 Vyšehrad
pl201 Wawel

27.02.2024 Global 2
Time of the first update batch: 9:45 UTC (10:45 UTC+1)

es1 Máquina de Vapor
es2 Caja de Fuego
es201 El Escorial
pt1 Caldeira a vapor
pt2 Fornalha
tr2 Ateşleme Ocağı
cz1 Kotel
cz3 Komín
cz7 Rychlík
cz101 Golden Gate

Time of the second update batch: 10:15 UTC (11:15 UTC+1)

ro2 Cutia de foc
m1 Nordic Rail
m1101 Golden Gate
m1201 Scandinavia
pl1 Kocioł parowy
pl3 Komora dymna
pl11 Pompa diesla
pl101 Golden Gate
gr1 Βραστήρας Ατμού

Offline, Endgame or Short before Endgame
(these gameworlds get the update with the start of the new round)

de4 Kohlekasten
de205 Holstentor
com1 Steam Boiler
fr3 Boite à fumée
ru105 Бродвей
tr1 Buhar Kazanı
it3 Camino
pl5 Wał korbowy
nl2 Kolenkast
ro1 Cazanul de aburi
us102 Grand Central
us103 Broadway


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