The Most Useful Game Tools

Every Rail Nation serious player knows that winning a game is not something that happens out of sheer luck. No! Winning a round of Rail nation requires dedication, commitment, seriousness and, if possible, a few useful tools to give you that edge you may need to fool a competing association or that annoying player sitting right above you in an industry in which you put so much time and efforts.

And over the years the Rail nation community has put together quite a lot of useful tools and calculators for the game. Such tools that can, and probably have already, help a lot of you on your tracks adventures… We decided to consolidate the most known and used in this article. And we also wish to thank the people behind them, for their hard work and how they immensely contributed to the well being of the community.

Keep in mind that this article will remain indefinitely a work in progress: as we do not administer these pages and some could either disappear or get outdated; also, some may appear and be added later. In this regard, if you think of any page not showing here that you think should, do not hesitate to contact your CM and propose a website! We’ll review it and, if nothing is against our Terms of Use, we’ll also promote it.

Now let’s begin.


First, some official pages you probably should bookmark – you can also bookmark this article directly to keep all links in one place!:

Gold Transfer
Game Rules


Fan websites:
Wiki – DE, EN
Fan Forum – DE
Full maps, routes and goods – multi language, (unfortunately no SSL)
Locomotive Calculator – DE, FR, RU and EN


Additional entries will be added here.

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