Rails & Repairs
In this ongoing series, we will be focusing on delivering regular bugfix updates tailored to enhance your gaming experience, particularly addressing front-end issues and hotfixes with lightning speed.
Here’s what you can expect from Rails & Repairs:
Centralised information:
Say goodbye to hunting through multiple blog posts! Instead, all Rails & Repairs updates will be consolidated into this single blog post, allowing you to easily access chronological information in one convenient location.
Frequent updates:
We are committed to providing you with timely bugfixes, ensuring smoother gameplay with each update.
The bugfix updates may include, but are not limited to:
- Issues with things only displayed after refreshing the game
- Crashes and freezes where the client no longer responds
- User interface elements that overlap or whose texts are too long, for example
- Issues with saving different options from one play session to the next
- Errors with displaying trains properly on the map
- Bonus icons not being displayed
Multilingual support:
While English and German translations will be promptly available, please note that translations for other languages may experience slight delays according to volume and resource availability.
You can read each update by clicking on the update number, which will open the content of that specific update.
RN-9934 TRAIN LIST Fixed an issue where sometimes you could not see other players trains while viewing their train list. We are not sure why, but it seems trains can be shy, we told them they can be proud and now they like to stick around.
RN-2032 TRAINS: SCHEDULE Fixed an issue where unruly trains would refuse to drive the planned and set route. The trains have seen the error in their ways and want to follow your instructions from now on.
RN-14834 TRAINS: POSEIDON Fixed an issue where not all train skins for the Poseidon were available upon purchase. The lord of the Seas has decided to be more fashionable moving forward.
RN-4797 OPTIONS Fixed an issue where the enlarged display setting would always reset after relog. The magnifying glass can retire!
RN-14593 OPTIONS Fixed an issue where email notifications would not stay disabled after turning them off. The (e)mailman is enjoying a well-deserved break now.
RN-13747 CHAT Fixed an issue where it was not possible to use < > for posting links. (>.<)” became (^-^)°
RN-12374 CITY: PASSENGER Fixed an issue where hovering over the passenger prices with your mouse could cause the game to freeze. With summer around the corner, it’s about time stuff stops freezing.
RN-13021 CITY PROJECT Fixed an issue where after unlocking the waiting time bonus for industries, there was a newbie icon displayed. We explained to this bonus that it should stop pretending to be a newbie!
RN-12795 CITY Fixed an issue where the extended tooltip displays the wrong colour in the demand area. It was showing in the same colour as the normal progress bar, instead of the pretty dark green it was supposed to be.
RN-4802 MOBILE: iOS: SERVER SELECTION Fixed an issue where wrong or overlapping images would be shown after switching from one game world to another. Everything should be neat and organized again now.
RN-11408 MOBILE TABLET: MINIMAP Fixed an issue where the mini map could not be opened on tablets. It seems the mini map had simply been scared of tablets for some unknown reason.
RN-4794 MOBILE TUTORIAL Fixed an issue where the Welcome Screen would display one last task left to do, even though all tutorial tasks had been completed. Lazy Lucy now knows better and will clean up properly after a job was done.
RN-14576 MOBILE SHOP Fixed an issue where it was not possible to preview the detailed contents of packages like, for example, the Starter Package or the Era Package. No more buying a pig in a poke!
RN-14490 MOBILE Fixed an issue where sometimes it was not possible to load a game world after switching between two different game worlds.
RN-13012 MOBILE: BADGE Fixed an issue where the gold frame of a badge was not shown in-game. We polished it and it shines nice and golden now.
RN-22196 PREREGISTRATION (SoE/AD): Fixed an issue where it was not possible to see if a selected city was already overcrowded. No more blind city-hopping.
RN-23211 MUSEUM: BONUS ENGINES: Added the option to exclude Bonus Engines from the multi selection when moving multiple trains into the Museum. Exclusion is never nice, but sometimes you must.
RN-14606 WORKER: AUCTION: Fixed an issue where the notification for the end of an auction would pop up multiple times. We are sure the auctioneer just meant well, but we did tell him to stop spamming.
RN-10459 ASSOCIATION: WORKER: Fixed an issue where the sum bid by associations was so large that it would go into minus (and then back into plus again if they managed to bid double that amount). The auctioneer is super happy to inform you that he has received a larger cash register – and its bright pink!
RN-14575 SOE: PRESIDENT: Fixed an issue where the countdown for setting a new Landmark was displayed wrong. The Countdown will do its job now and count down.
RN-15323 SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where the icons of factories were displayed wrong in the schedule overview. After a tricky game of ‘memory’ all should be matching again.
RN-18381 SCHEDULE: CALCULATOR: Fixed an issue where the calculator did not match up with the actual turnover. Come on calculator, you literally had one job.
RN-16218 CITY: SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where the schedule assistant did not list the trains in alphabetical order. Singing the ‘ABC’-song seemed to help.
RN-13650 WAREHOUSE: SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where the waiting time in the schedule assistant did not match up with the waiting time in the warehouse. It is now N*SYNC.
RN-12128 SITTER: SCHEDULE: Fixed an issue where you would get an error when trying to save or delete a schedule as a sitter. Save, Delete, do nothing at all – it all works now!
RN-23175 SITTER MODE: Fixed an issue where when you would sit your friend, the start view was set to your hometown, instead of your friend’s hometown, resulting in trains being bought to end up in your own hometown, instead of the friend’s you were sitting for. If the friend you were sitting did not have your own hometown connected, this issue would also cause you to not be able to set schedules for the trains you bought, since they were technically stuck in an unconnected city. We bought the sitter mode a pair of new glasses and now that it can see better, it will also know in which city it needs to drop off the trains.
RN-14476 TRACKS: Fixed an issue where, during track construction, the wrong amount of gold was displayed for an Instant Upgrade while the ‘quicker track construction’ power bonus was also active. Everything’s golden now.
RN-23309 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: Fixed an issue where the Super Starter Package could not be purchased upon game world round start and would throw an error. It was so used to only being bought on game world round ends, it got all confused.
RN-23339 + 23340 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: Corrected some texts that had to do with the newbie bonus and fixed an issue where you would get too many newbie bonus days upon purchasing the Super Starter Package at a game world round start. You are all Pros’ anyway.
RN-23342 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: Fixed an issue where the Super Starter Package would falsely display ‘Laboratory Level 2’, instead of ‘Laboratory Level +1’. Can’t make too large jumps here 😉
RN-23341 FULL STEAM BOX: Fixed an issue where the gold you would receive was unintentionally displayed twice. Apparently, the Red Kite was getting a bit greedy.
RN-22192 MOBILE: BONUS PACKAGES: Fixed an issue where the app would crash when trying to redeem a bonus or reward code containing a ‘Fill up Bank’-voucher. The mobile app will no longer try to prevent you from getting rich.
RN-16934 MOBILE: LICENCE AUCTION: Fixed an issue where the app could crash when trying to switch from a current license auction to an upcoming license auction, while having a slow internet connection. Snail-internet can stay.
RN-16935 MOBILE: LICENCE: Fixed an issue where the App could crash when the license auction was loading, and the app started a resource update event. (bad app!!)
RN-14546 MOBILE: MINIMAP: Fixed an issue where the app could crash when trying to reload the app while having the mini map open. The mini map promised to behave from now on.
RN-17563 MOBILE: PORTRAIT: CITY PROJECT: Fixed an issue where sometimes an empty reward screen would appear after donating. Don’t worry, donating was always worth it, even if you could not see the rewards.
RN-4640 MOBILE: Fixed an issue where the login-screen would be in English instead of your set device language. While we know learning new languages can be fun, we think there are better ways to do that.
RN-14528 MOBILE: Fixed an issue where the ‘Forgot Password’ functionality could create an error. You may now safely forget your password whenever you like 😉
RN-4758 MOBILE: IOS: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to extend your plus account via the event page. You can ‘plus’ your account again!
These issues where fixed during the month already, but are technically part of Rails&Repairs:
RN-16961 MESSENGER: Fixed an issue where the pagination would disappear if ‘centered windows’ was turned off. Paginate away!
RN-18643 CAREER ENGINE: Fixed an issue where there were wrong limits displayed as a red text after era 3. We got our own red marker and corrected this immediately.
RN-19581 TRAINLIST: SORTING: Fixed an issue where the train list sorting would not work correctly for the career engine. We don’t exclude anyone, little career engine <3.
RN-13411 TRAIN LIST: Fixed an issue where the passenger trains are not marked with an exclamation mark in the list. !
RN-13712 ASSOCIATION: Fixed an issue where you would get an error when trying to invite someone as a member into your association. Making new friends has never been so easy!
RN-13671 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: Fixed an issue where the system would not show a purchased Super Starter Package. The super starter package was super fixed.
RN-5416 MOBILE: LANDSCAPE: Fixed an issue where the research window would not show the amount of research points available anymore when in landscape mode. Possibly the research points were a bit shy, we are not quite sure.
RN-14577 MOBILE: SHOP: Fixed an issue where the package details would open as a smaller screen instead of as a full screen. After a confidence boost, the package details are now able to show themselves with pride and in full screen.
RN-5257 BUY TRACKS: Fixed an issue where the Twin city icon was visible on scenarios other than SoE in the Buy Tracks window. Sneaky little assets sneaking into places they should not be.
RN-22594 MOBILE: SHOP: Fixed an issue where the App could crash when switching between the two options available for redeeming codes. Not sure if the App just didn’t like indecisiveness or if it was jealous of your voucher codes.
RN-23723 SoE: LANDMARK: Fixed an issue where Castel Nuovo falsely existed a second time, next to Munich. No more special surprise appearances for you, Castel Nuovo!
RN-23725 AD: FACTORIES: Fixed an issue where two factories had different city relations, depending on if you were playing on mobile or on browser. The factories were a bit confused, but we explained to them where their true home is.
RN-23719 AD: SOE: TRACKS: Fixed an issue where tracks that run over waterways had land underneath them instead of water. We explained that Darwinism does not apply to tracks and that they need to stay in the water.
RN-23766 EMOJIES: Removed the middle finger emoji. We’d wave goodbye to the middle finger emoji with our middle finger but alas, we cannot anymore.
RN-23177 SITTER MODE: Fixed an issue where avatar items (profile pictures) were not displayed properly anymore after leaving the sitter mode. Now you get to be your beautiful, unique self again at all times <3
RN-10132 CITY COMPETITION: Fixed an issue where the competition timer could cause a crash when switching display options or when the game made an internal update. Squishing the crash-bugs, one at a time.