This Product Care iteration is starting summer with a BANG! Get ready for ❤️🔥 😁 ! Communicating with players from all over the world has never been this quick and easy, especially since we are introducing a new translation feature for all our international game worlds. With emojis and the new translation feature, you will be able to connect and build new friendships across the globe, as language barriers will no longer be an obstacle on your train ride to the top.
And how better to celebrate new friendships, pacts and potential new international associations than with new association crests? A big thank you at this point goes to all the creative participants of last years’ Discord Summer Championship, who, with their crest designs, delivered the inspiration to our game artists for the new association crests.
Apart from some more improvements and bug fixes, we also added a lot of preparations for different upcoming events like Masters, Halloween and the Winter (Summer…?) Event!
… did we hear someone say CRASH? Or was it CASH? Or maybe FLASH?
Click here to see the roll-out plan
25.06.2024 Initial:
Downtime: 8:45 – 9:45 UTC (10:45 – 11:45 UTC+2)
EN-2 Firebox
EN-5 Cylinder Head
RU-1 Паровой котел
RU-201 Золотое кольцо
DE-8 Kuppelstange
DE-101 Golden Gate
27.06.2024 Country:
Downtime: 8:45 – 10:15 UTC (10:45 – 12:15 UTC+2)
EN-1 Steam Boiler
EN-3 Smoke Chamber
EN-101 Rocky Mountains
EN-201 Big Ben
EN-202 Loch Ness
EN-203 Tower Bridge
EN-402 Dozers Decisions
RU-5 Коленчатый вал
RU-15 Ведущая ось
RU-105 Бродвей
RU-204 Зи́мний дворе́ц
RU-403 Cyphers Choices
DE-18 Stellwerk
TR-1 Buhar Kazanı
TR-2 Ateşleme Ocağı
03.07.2024 Global 1
Downtime: 8:45 – 10:15 UTC (10:45 – 12:15 UTC+2)
DE-1 Dampfkessel
DE-3 Rauchkammer
DE-4 Kohlekasten
DE-5 Kurbelwelle
DE-7 Drehgestell
DE-9 Regulator
DE-11 Dieselpumpe
DE-105 Grand Canyon
DE-107 Broadway
DE-201 Brandenburger Tor
DE-204 Neuschwanstein
DE-205 Holstentor
DE-403 Morpheus Methoden
PT-1 Caldeira a vapor
RO-1 Cazanul de aburi
UA-1 Паровий котел
UA-2 Вугільна топка
N-1 Nordic Rail
N-101 Golden Gate
N-201 Scandinavia
INT-402 Trinitys Techniques
NL-1 Stoomketel
NL-2 Kolenkast
NL-201 Euromast
04.07.2024 Global 2
Downtime: 8:45 – 10:15 UTC (10:45 – 12:15 UTC+2)
CZ-1 Kotel
CZ-3 Komín
CZ-7 Rychlík
CZ-101 Golden Gate
CZ-201 Vyšehrad
ES-1 Máquina de Vapor
ES-201 El Escorial
FR-1 Chaudière à vapeur
FR-3 Boite à fumée
FR-101 Golden Gate
FR-201 Tour Eiffel
FR-202 Arc de Triomphe
GR-1 Βραστήρας Ατμού
IT-1 Caldaia
IT-3 Camino
IT-101 Golden Gate
IT-201 Colosseo
PL-1 Kocioł parowy
PL-3 Komora dymna
PL-5 Wał korbowy
PL-101 Golden Gate
PL-201 Wawel
US-101 Golden Gate
US-102 Grand Central
US-103 Broadway
Offline, Endgame or Short before Endgame
(these gameworlds get the update with the start of the new round)
ES-2 Caja de Fuego
PT-2 Fornalha
PL-11 Pompa diesla
RO-2 Cutia de foc
US-1 Crankshaft
New features and improvements
😁 RN-2777 EMOJIS: Yes, you read right. With this Product Care update, we are introducing emojis to the game! You’ll find a lot of well-known and often used emojis, as well as a bunch of Rail Nation-specific ones like trains and goods which are aligned with the different scenarios. Not only are emojis fun to use, they will also help players to react faster and even cross language barriers, as sometimes a picture can say more than a thousand words.
Emojis can either be added via the emoji picker, which is accessible next to the text input field, or via auto-completion (which is, unfortunately, not available on mobile). The emoji picker lists all supported emojis divided into categories, while those that are frequently used will be shown first. Auto-completion will allow you to create emojis by name when you type a colon and a minimum of two characters (for example,. “:ca” could suggest “:cat:”), provided that they are available.
💬 RN-13088 TRANSLATION FEATURE: In our attempt to make communication on international game worlds easier between different native tongues, we are introducing a brand-new translation feature to all international game worlds, starting with the new international domain (Platform X 3 international game worlds are excluded from this update).
You’ll now be able to translate all the messages of your fellow players into the language you have set in the international game world you are playing in. Your own messages and messages that are in your own set language can’t be translated. It may take a moment to translate each message, so you might encounter a loading indicator while waiting for the translation to be completed.
RN-9278 NEW ASSOCIATION CRESTS: Eleven new association crest symbols have been added, all of which were inspired by community members’ creations who participated in the summer championship on Discord last year! Log in to the game now to check them out.
RN-17078 MUSEUM: The museum has been improved to act as a home for any kind of bonus trains you own. Now, truly all trains can be moved to the museum, if you wish to do so. Just like in the engine house, bonus trains do not take up a slot in the museum.
RN-14866 STEAM OVER EUROPE/AMERICAN DREAM: All industries are now connected to a city by name to ensure that industries are distributed more equally between all the cities. You will mostly notice this in the city project rewards. Available on new game rounds only.
RN-17085 ASSOCIATIONS: Newly founded associations will start immediately with the maximum of 25 slots for members.
The “Donate to your association” medals have been adjusted, so you now can get two medals, instead of three, with a total of 300 prestige, instead of 610.
Available on new game worlds that start after this update.
RN-17086 SUPER STARTER PACKAGE: The “Super Starter Package” which was so far only purchasable during the endgame and credited at the beginning of the next round can now also be bought for running game rounds. You can purchase the package once within 48 hours after the first login for 599 Gold if you did not purchase the Super Starter Package during the previous round of that game world.
The price of the package for the next round remains at 399 Gold and can be purchased during the endgame, like before. It is now shown as discounted compared to the new regular price.
If you log in to a game world shortly before the endgame starts (under 48 hours), the time in which you would still be able to buy the Super Starter Package for that specific game round will end once the end game starts. Once the endgame starts, the Super Starter Package would be purchased for the next round again.
RN-18177 OPTIMISATION: The loading of avatar items and home cities has been optimised to improve overall initial loading times.
RN-18174 OPTIMISATION: The loading of labels of station buildings and labels of locations on the map has been optimised to improve loading times and memory usage.
Bug fixes
RN-4923 NAME CHANGE: An issue has been fixed where you would get an incorrect error message when trying to change your avatar name.
RN-18707 SCHEDULE: CALCULATOR: An issue has been fixed where the schedule calculator would not consider when a train was boosted while the schedule calculator was still open.
RN-18939 SYSTEM MESSAGES: An issue has been fixed where, after activating the power bonus for 50% more competition rewards for prestige and money, the system message claimed it would give a 100% bonus instead of 50%.
RN-19853 POWER BONUS: An issue has been fixed where the power bonus for cheaper buildings was still available when buying a power bonus, even if you had all buildings for the current era built to the maximum level. That specific power bonus will no longer be available, resulting in one card less in the deck, until the next era starts. Available only on new rounds starting after this update.
RN-22504 POWER BONUS: An issue has been fixed where the train speed power bonus would unintentionally give a bonus for factory prestige as well. The train speed power bonus now only gives a bonus for train speed, as intended.
RN-16748 WINTER EVENT: An issue has been fixed where donations made to the city project did not count towards quests in the winter (summer…?) event.
RN-22497 MAGNUS: An issue has been fixed where it was still possible to extend Magnus for more than 14 days.
RN-11755 COMPETITION: An issue has been fixed where only the first six active competitions were shown and the pagination broke the list.
RN-13455 BONUS CODE : An issue has been fixed where the amount of bonus train upgrade vouchers was always displayed as 1x voucher, even when redeeming more than one voucher. This was only a display error, since the correct amount was always given.
RN-13592 SOE: SPECIAL ROUTE: An issue has been fixed with the scrolling feature in the special route ranking/invest screen.
RN- 13649 LICENCE: An issue has been fixed where the input field for betting on a licence would unintentionally reset.
RN-13724 SCHEDULE: An issue has been fixed where the “clear schedule”button would be outside the visible area when you were setting schedules with multiple stops that required the purchase of new waggons.
RN-13956 SOUND: An issue has been fixed where the train sounds would not temporarily deactivate when switching to a different tab.
RN-22580 MOBILE: Fixed an issue where sometimes it was not possible to load a game world after switching between two different game worlds.