Game Update 6.8.1 (Product Care 5)


Dear players,


The time has come to inform you about what is in our 5th Product Care Update!

Are your trains rather stubborn, resisting any changes? Did they keep sticking to old schedules, even though you told them to change their ways? We have given the trains a good talking to and made some improvements that will make them follow the schedules you set for them.

We heard about the futuristic trains, teleporting wherever they please, and we have stopped that behaviour. From now on, they will remain in the present and stick to their routes.

Remember the little black caterpillar crawling over your screens? Its name is Pollux, and it has received a new coat of paint!

Of course, we have also taken care of a whole bunch of other annoying little bugs, thanks to all your reports. Thank you for that!

Have fun playing,
Your Rail Nation Team


Update rollout

:one: 14.03. – Initial Rollout (with downtime) 09:45 UTC – 10:15 UTC (+/-15 min)
:gb:  EN1 Steam Boiler, EN101 Golden Gate, EN201 Big Ben
:ru:  RU1 Паровой котел, RU201 Золотое кольцо
:de:  DE101 Golden Gate


:two: 16.03. – Country Rollout (no downtime) 09:45 UTC
:gb:  EN2 Firebox, EN3 Smoke Chamber, EN5 Cylinder Head, EN202 Loch Ness, EN203 Tower Bridge
:ru:  RU5 Коленчатый вал, RU201 Золотое кольцо
:de:  DE105 Grand Canyon


:three:  21.03. – Global Rollout (no downtime) 09:45 UTC
:de:  DE1 Dampfkessel, DE3 Rauchkammer, DE4 Kohlekasten, DE5 Kurbelwelle, DE7 Drehgestell, DE8 Kuppelstange, DE9 Regulator, DE11 Dieselpumpe, DE18 Stellwerk, DE201 Branderburger, DE204 Neuschwanstein, DE205 Holstensor
:es: ES1 Máquina de Vapor, ES201 El Escordial
:flag-gr:  GR1 Βραστήρας Ατμού
:flag-pt: PT1 Caldeira a vapor


:four:  21.03. – Global Rollout (no downtime) 09:50 UTC
:flag-cz: CZ1 Kotel, CZ3 Komín, CZ7 Rychlík, CZ101 Golden Gate, CZ201 Vyšehrad
:fr:  FR1 Chaudière à vapeur, FR3 Boite à fumée, FR101 Golden Gate,  FR201 Tour Eiffel
:it:  IT1 Caldaia, IT3 Camino, IT101 Golden Gate, IT201 Colosseo
:flag-nl:  NL1 Stoomketel, NL201 Euromast
:flag-ro:  RO1 Cazanul de aburi


:five:  21.03. – Global Rollout (no downtime) 09:55 UTC
:globe_with_meridians: N1 Nordic Rail, N101 Golden Gate, N201 Scandinavia
:flag-pl:  PL1 Kocioł parowy, PL3 Komora dymna, PL5 Wał korbowy, PL11 Pompa Diesla, PL101 Golden Gate, PL201 Wawel
:flag-tr:  TR1 Buhar Kazanı, TR2 Ateşleme Ocağı
:flag-ua:  UA1 Паровий котел, UA2 Вугільна топка
:us:  US1 Crankshaft, US101 Golden Gate, Grand Central, US103 Broadway


The following game worlds will not get the update now because they are either offline or shortly before endgame. They will restart with the new version.
:de:  DE7 Drehgestell, DE107 Broadway
:es:  ES2 Caja de fuego
:fr:  FR202 Arc de Triomphe
:flag-nl:  NL2 Kolenkast
:flag-pt:  PT2 Fornalha
:flag-ro:  RO2 Cutia de foc
:ru:  RU15 Ведущая ось, RU105 Бродвей

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