Dear players,
Stronger together,
Faster than ever!
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Fast Forward Scenario, which will be the first game worlds with the new City Project feature available.
The Fast Forward is a 4x speed Classic Scenario, where you can rush through one whole game round in no time.
The fact that Fast Forward is so speedy, makes it the best opportunity to take a sneak peek at the City Project feature and try it out for the first time.
Get ready to experience pure speed together with pure friendship and working together towards a common goal – winning!
We can’t wait to see what new strategies you will bring to the table.
Normal Gold Transfer rules apply for the Fast Forward Scenario.
The Fast Forward game worlds will be starting on the following dates:
Tuesday, 02.05.2023, 14:00 UTC+2:
DE-19 Überholspur
RU-16 Скоростной путь
Friday, 05.05.2023, 14:00 UTC+2:
EN-6 Rapid Rail
Saturday, 06.05.2023, 14:00 UTC+2:
DE-20 Tempotrasse
INT-26 Fast Track
Happy playing and be sure to leave us some feedback on the new City Project Feature!
Your Rail Nation Team