Welcome to our FAQ where we aim to clarify your queries regarding the “Strategic Consolidations: Introducing A New International Domain” announcement. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to check out the blog article where we detailed the decision.
Below we address the most common questions. Whether you’re seeking clarification or simply curious about the implications, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!
Q: Why are we consolidating and closing game worlds?
A: Our main goal is to enhance your gaming experience by ensuring game worlds are populated as intended. Merging allows for a richer and more vibrant community by bringing together players from various backgrounds.
Q: Why the move to an international domain?
A: The shift to international game worlds allows players to engage in their preferred game language, while bringing together a diverse mix of players from different nations. This enriches the game community and ensures a well-populated environment for all.
Q: Why is there only one game world in the Czech and Italian domains being closed?
A: With the closure of the Nordics domain and its associated American Dream game world, we aim to offer a more populated, international American Dream game world instead. The selected CZ101 Golden Gate and IT101 Golden Gate game worlds, with the American Dream scenario, were also experiencing low populations, leading to their closure. Therefore, we decided to merge these 3 American Dream game worlds into one.
Q: Will there ever be language-specific game worlds available again for the closing domains?
A: We currently do not plan to reopen any game worlds in the specific languages that are being closed.
Q: Are more game world or domain closures planned for the future?
A: As of now, there are no plans to close any additional game worlds or domains. However, we’re committed to continually assessing player satisfaction with the new international game worlds and adjusting as necessary.
Q: Will the Dutch community channels on Discord or the blog be removed?
A: No, these community channels will remain as long as we have volunteers to manage them.
Q: How can I communicate on the international game worlds with players who don’t speak my language?
A: Communication will be facilitated through a new in-game translator feature and the use of general and game-related emojis. We also encourage discussion within associations about good communication practices.
Q: How does the translation feature work?
A: We will provide you with a guide for the translation feature once it gets rolled out in an update.
Q: What type of messages can the translation feature translate?
A: Everything written in the game forums excluding automatic system messages (as they are already set to your language settings). World chat messages cannot be translated.
Q: In which languages will the new international game worlds be available?
A: The game on the international domain will be available in all our game languages.
Q: Which languages does the in-game translator support?
A: The in-game translation feature supports all our game languages.
Q: How will official communications be handled in the future in the INT domain?
A: Official communications from the Rail Nation team will be in English.
Q: Will there be a special INT section on Discord for international players?
A: International players are welcome in the English community section on Discord, run by our Community Managers – Sedricoo and ThomasGB. If you speak any of the other languages of our Discord communities, feel free to drop by and engage with anything that you are interested in. Wherever you feel most at home, our Discord server also offers a translation bot to support you in communication.
Q: What happens to my in-game Gold, and Plus Account?
A: You’ll be able to transfer all your Gold (purchased and won) and Plus Account from the closing game worlds to any game world from any domain of choice. Any remaining vouchers or lottery tickets are not eligible for transfer. Avatar items and train production series are automatically preserved across all game worlds.
Q: How do I transfer my Gold and Plus Account to another game world?
A: Following the closure of your game world, your Gold and Plus Account will be available for transfer to any domain of your choice (valid for the closed Czech and Italy game worlds as well). However, once your assets are moved to a chosen domain, they become permanently associated with that domain.
For example, if you transfer your Gold and Plus Account from the Nordics to the German game world, they will then be tied to the German domain. Subsequently deciding to join a new INT international game world, or any other domain, will mean you cannot move your assets again, with one exception: INT and COM are tied to each other, which means you can transfer between those two domains.
Q: Is my Gold and Plus Account transfer from a closed game world limited only to a new international INT game world?
A: You have the freedom to transfer your Gold and Plus Account to any game world of your choice after closure, regardless of game domain.
Q: When will my Gold and Plus Account be eligible for transfer?
A: The transfer process will begin approximately 2-3 days after your game world ends, though this may vary. Our technical team handles this process manually, which means in some situations, it might take a bit longer than anticipated.
Q: What if I delete my avatar before all game worlds in my domain have ended?
A: Your Gold and Plus Account will remain in your domain and become transferable to other domains only after all game worlds in your domain have closed.
For instance, if you participated in TR2 Ateşleme Ocağı and deleted your avatar before the round concluded, you must await the closure of TR1 Buhar Kazanı, scheduled to conclude. At that point, all TR game worlds will be closed, allowing for the transfer of your belongings.
CZ and IT only: If you delete your avatar, your assets will automatically remain within the CZ or IT domain and you will not be able to transfer them outside of your domain anymore.
Q: Can I transfer my Gold and Plus Account independently per closing game world?
A: Yes, you can transfer your Gold and Plus Account once per closing game world, with certain limitations. Technically, you can transfer your belongings once for each closing game world where you were active and didn’t delete your avatar, to any other available game world.
Edgecase: If you play on TR1 Buhar Kazanı and the game world concludes without immediate transfer, and subsequently play on TR2 Ateşleme Ocağı with the same outcome, the Gold and Plus Account from both game worlds will merge. Upon transfer thereafter, you won’t be able to separate the assets.
Q: Is there a due time until when I can transfer my Gold and Plus Account to another game world?
A: There is no time limit for transferring your Gold and Plus Account to a new game world.
Q: What can I do if I have transferred my Gold and Plus Account to the wrong game world?
A: Please be careful before you transfer your Gold to make sure it is transferred to the right game world. However, should you accidentally move it to the wrong one, reach out to Customer Service as soon as possible and we will decide on a case-by-case basis if we can help you fix the issue. This is only valid for the domains being closed and only immediately following the first transfer.
Q: Can I pre-register my association on one of the new international game worlds?
A: No, pre-registration is not possible due to the lack of direct connection between the new and closing game worlds.
Q: Can I purchase the Super Starter Package for my next game round?
A: No, the purchase of the Super Starter Package is not possible due to the lack of direct connection between the new and closing game worlds.
Q: If I’m playing on the INT domain, where will I be able to transfer my Gold and Plus Account in the future?
A: Any Gold and Plus Account that has been purchased can be transferred between game worlds within both INT and COM domains.
We hope this FAQ has addressed your concerns and provided clarity on the changes. Our goal is to ensure a seamless transition and a richer gaming experience for our community.
If you have further questions, come join our Discord community: JOIN HERE!
Warm regards,
Your Rail Nation Team