Classic Mini: Small Map, Great Fun


Dear community,


We are proud to announce the launch of a brand new event that we believe will drive your engines wild and bring the steam out of your ears.
Get ready for Classic Mini! While it is based on a set of “classic” features that you should be familiar with, many aspects will be different:

  • Smaller map populated with 20 cities instead of 50
  • Industry spots are not located where they normally are
  • Every second city will make it to the end game
  • Last but not least, servers will be paced at X2: One week per era + End game (ca. 6 weeks)


The event will start between the 24th of May and the 4th of June, in the following domains as shown in the planning below.



The event will consist of one round and we are already looking at the possibilities to bring it to even more regions in the near future.

In terms of gameplay, we believe this “denser” map with fewer cities will provide quite a new and interesting experience – especially when considering the faster pace of the round.
And, while some of you may find it more laid back to have less cities to connect to their network, contesting the same supplies in repositioned industries should allow for a real competition.
Get ready to woosh through a gorgeous and diverse landscape and funnel into action packed cities with your fellow players.

And… Imagine the End Game phase in this particular setup, with every second city proceeding to it… Are you tempted yet? We certainly are.


But that’s not all! We’ll propose dedicated achievements for you to shine and remember your adventure, and in game events for more challenge and more rewards. Our team will also organize and propose community side games to make your experience complete, and unforgettable.


So stay tuned for Classic Mini, available in Rail Nation .COM, CZ, DE, ES, FR, GR, IT, NL, Nordics, PL, PT, RO, RU, TR, UA AND US.

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